Range/Stove Repair in Houston TX - (281) 247-6472

Let us uncover a remedy for your stove repair issues.

Avoid the inconvenience of not being able to cook meals for yourself and for your family. Whether you think your stove may be broken, or if your food is not being cooked all the way, we can assist you.

We take pride in our exemplary stove repair services. You can count on timely and efficient service. When you need quality stove repair or range parts in Houston TX, let us handle it. We'll get you cooking again in a jiffy.

We perform service on all makes and models of ranges, whether they are newer or older. We assess and provide fast range repair service, general maintenance, replacement of stove parts, and diagnosing issues whether big or small.

We'd be happy to visit your home on the next available service call appointment that works for you. We'll come to the rescue with our top notch stove repair services. When your kitchen stove is not functioning properly it can be a terrible inconvenience and interrupt the natural flow of your household.

It is also typically more expensive to eat out, so invite us over today and we can remedy your stove repair issues quickly. You can depend on our prompt delivery of service and expertise. Come join our long line of satisfied and repeat customers. Don't bother trying to fix your stove on your own.

Stoves can be dangerous to tamper with when you're not a well trained professional. Furthermore, you could make matters worse and end up costing yourself more money.

Top range-stove brands we service

Helpful Appliance Repair Tips

Don't just clean the outside of your stove. The inside is just as important. If you keep spilled over foods and liquids in it, over time this will create a lot of smoke. This gets annoying because as your oven preheats it's burning off the dirt inside and it can easily set your fire alarm off repetitively. Make sure to either run your self-clean cycle semi-frequently or wash the inside down by hand (recommended). Be careful with the self-clean feature as it often causes problems due to the high temps used.


Avantgarde Appliance Repair of Houston

Houston, TX 77054
Hours of operation
we're open 7 days a week, 8AM - 8PM